Sunbird Aloes Early winter groupings for your garden

Are you looking to implement some of our arrangement ideas in the garden ? (refer to our article “Arrange Aloe Hybrids In Your Garden – 4 Simple ways”)

We have created Early to Midwinter flower combinations that we think could work well together. The adult size of every plant is shown in the list (S=Small, M=Medium). For more information about the sizes, refer to this news article –
“A guideline to our “plant size” categories”.  

For the month of May, June and July we sell these groupings (7 Small hybrids and 8 Medium hybrids) @ the special price of R1800 per grouping. Contact us on to make an appointment to take up our offer.  

Colours: Orange and Yellow
Aloe ‘Andrea’s Orange’ (S),  Aloe ‘Morning Sky’ (S), Aloe ‘Bush Baby Yellow’ (S);
Colours: Orange and Red
Aloe ‘Gemini’ (S), Aloe ‘Berry Sorbet’ (M), Aloe ‘Apricot’(M);
Colours: Red and Yellow
Aloe ‘Sunbird’ (S), Aloe ‘Nectarine’ (M), Aloe ‘Toffee Apple’ (M);
Colours: Pink and White/Ivory
Aloe ‘Maggie’s Magic’ (S), Aloe ‘Pink Pastel’ (S), Aloe ‘Meringue’ (S);
Aloe ‘Guineafowl’ (S), Aloe ‘Candle Wax’ (M), Aloe ‘Ivory Dawn’ (M);

For waterwise companion plants consider the following indigenous plants:
Felicia ameloides (Blue Felicia or Bloumagriet)Bulbine abyssinica (Bushy Bulbine, Geelkatstert), Lessertia frutescens (Cancer bush), Euryops pectinatus (Golden Daisy Bush or Wolharpuisbos)
 – courtesy of Witkoppen Wildflower Nursery.

Early to Midwinter flower combinations
Sunbird Aloes in the garden – Courtesy Witkoppen Wildflower Nursery