Aloe ‘Charlize’

This stunning, pink-flowered, small to medium sized aloe earns its place in the Sunbird Aloes lineup for its unique, conspicuous flowers produced from mid to late winter, sometimes into spring. Up to 5 inflorescences are produced and some are branched at very low level, creating the impression of separate inflorescences. These branches (racemes) are very long for an aloe of this size. When the individual flowers open they reveal orange filaments, bringing an attractive colour dimension to the uniform pink raceme.

The stemless plant has pointed, light green leaves lined with widely spaced, small spines. It will flower as a small plant and take a number of years to reach its full flowering potential. When it does the reward is well worth the effort. ‘Charlize’ will, in all likelihood, never produce stem shoots, but it may divide its rosette – this has a multiplier effect on flower production – a bonus to the grower. Plant at the front of the rockery or a suitably sized pot or container.

This beautiful aloe is a bit of a headache for the breeder as it is not the easiest to propagate. It will probably always be in demand and in short supply. It certainly is one of the most beautiful aloes you can have in your rockery.

Uploaded 20 March 2014