Aloe ‘Firepower’

This medium-to-large, stemmed aloe hybrid cultivar produces multiple, branched inflorescences of the most glowing red imaginable. The flowers can open from before midwinter to spring and provide a colour spectacle second to none.

The plant has longish green leaves and will almost certainly grow multiple leaf heads by dividing its rosette. This is an event to celebrate seeing that it can treble the plant’s flowering performance within 2 to 3 years. (see picture). Occasional stem shoots should be removed in the interest of plant health and better flowering. The stem (trunk) is not particularly fast growing.

Although it will happily grow in a big enough pot or container, the difference will be immediately apparent when it is given compost rich soil in open planting. It deserves a special spot around the middle of the rockery. I have mine next to a pathway where the beautiful, large flowers can be appreciated at close quarters. For aloes that flower out of their skin like this one it is essential that it be given a boost of food (nutrients) every year from about 2 years after planting. For me a good, thick mulch of kraal manure has always done the trick. Allow the manure to break down (mature) a little before application if you are worried about the smell.

Aloe ‘Firepower’ can be combined to good effect with any contrasting colour.

Updated 28 March 2022