The flower column that rises from this long-leaved, medium to large cultivar can be astonishing. In my rockery the first flaming inflorescence of 3 long-flowered, massive, red-to-pastel-coloured racemes reached its last flowers in late autumn. From the centre of the rosette the next 9 inflorescences were pushing hard to open their flowers in early winter. This elevated “Flame” to the elite club of super hybrids capable of producing 10 inflorescences from one rosette in a season. Although it is classified as red-to-white, the flower colour is not that straightforward. The open flower never turns pure white, settling on a very pale, pastel whitish orange. The individual flower is the longest of all the cultivars.
A mature plant can have open flowers from late summer to the end of winter – a remarkable flowering period. A split rosette (in mature plants) enhances the flower display, as can be seen in the picture.
Aloe “Flame” normally grows a short stem, and stem shoots will grow from the base. Most, or all of these should be removed. The plant looks beautiful in a pot, but the full flowering potential can only be achieved in open planting.
Updated 19 March 2020.