Large and green and showy, with up to 6, tall inflorescences topped with huge, multi-coloured racemes of red and orange hues. Flowers can open as early as late autumn, to the end of winter.
Aloe ‘Hyperion’ will grow a short stem with age. Stem shoots are uncommon but mature plants could divide their rosettes. This not only shows that the plant is happy; it also means more flowers in coming seasons.
This cultivar can be a little subdued when planted in a container. It clearly prefers open space in a rockery where it will delight its owner with a great show of flowers year after year.
Best recorded flowering performance from a single rosette: 6 inflorescences with 2,3,3,3,3 and 3 racemes respectively, giving a total of 17 racemes.

Updated 19 July 2023