Aloe ‘Morning Sky’

Beautiful small aloe hybrid with  flowers in a rare colour combirnation – orange/red-to-yellow. As the flower buds develop they gradually change from deep orange to the bright yellow of the open flower. ‘Morning Sky’ produces multiple, tall, consecutive, branched inflorescences that can provide colour from late summer to midwinter.

The plant itself is a lovely, clean green – neat and stemless with only occasional stem shoots (suckers) at ground level. If a single plant is desired, remove stem shoots. If not, do not leave more than 2 or 3 to grow to flowering size. This may happen at the cost of an inflorescence or two as the shoots mature, but when they start contributing to the flowering display it is usually well worth the wait. The leaves are fairly long, green and lined with small, pinkish spines, sometimes with a dark tip.

This little cultivar is normally used as a container subject, but it could do well on the open rockery provided it does not dry out too much. Just bear in mind that the smaller aloe varieties do not have the moisture reserves that the larger ones do.

Aloe ‘Morning Sky’ was formerly known as ‘Sunrise’. We had to change the name due to a conflict with another trademark.

Updated 17 March 2020.