Aloe ‘Prolific’

This medium-sized, short stemmed aloe cultivar is a flower producer of note – after midwinter multiple, branched inflorescences open their flowers on the large and showy red-to-orange racemes.

The plant has gracefully shaped narrow grey-green leaves lined with pale spines. It may produce a few stem shoots – this is more likely on young and strongly growing plants. These may have to be thinned out even if the gardener decides to allow one or two to develop to flowering size. As it matures the plant may also divide its rosette.

‘Prolific’ should be planted close to the front of the rockery. Because of its pleasing plant shape it will also be at home in a pot/container. Remember to add lots of well-decomposed compost to the planting soil – whether in the open or in a container. This aloe is a worthy addition to any garden.

Updated 19 July 2023.