Aloe ‘Saturn’

The flower buds of this amazing hybrid aloe are initially brick red but change to yellow as the flowers open, displaying  a showy bi-colour combination in very late winter and spring.

Multiple, branched inflorescences are produced, and they all open around the same time. Out-of-season flowers are rare.

This very large, slow stemming aloe has interesting, thick, dark green leaves with very decorative large spines on the edges. Stem shoots may be produced from the base of the plant and sometimes from between existing leaves. They should best be removed by cutting close to the main stem, as they absorb a lot of energy that could be used to produce a better flower display.

Because of its size “Saturn” is normally not used as a pot plant. It is suitable for landscape use and in garden rockeries, and enjoys well-earned popularity because it flowers after the winter frost and is largely resistant to gall mite.

Update 2 October 2010